Recent data protection laws like the GDPR and the soon to come ePrivacy regulation have a considerable impact on digital marketing and data processing in general.

A lot of myths and misunderstandings surround data protection laws and all to often marketeers think or fear that GDPR and the like will cut their wings. There are in other words a lot of misunderstandings and myths about GDPR and with new rules on direct mailings and the use of cookies that will soon be introduced through the ePrivacy Regulation, it is time to get a clear picture of the situation.

What can and cannot be done with customer data? Can you still buy data from data brokers? Under GDPR and ePrivacy, how can you handle profile data and targeted audiences correctly? What is really up with the use of cookies?

And finally: how can we make the marriage between data protection and digital marketing work to the benefit of your company.

Bart Van den Brande, managing partner at Sirius Legal law firm and data protection specialist tries to provide an answer.


Bart Van den Brande

Managing Partner @ Sirius.Legal